Sunrise to Sunset: Everyday Aromatherapy
a workshop with Lauren Andrews RN, Certified Aromatherapist
Wednesday, February 12th 6-8 pm
$20/$18 for members (includes $8 materials fee)
pre-registration required
Learn how essential oils can fit into your daily personal care routine, supporting your overall health and wellbeing! Explore the aromas and therapeutic benefits of 10 essential oils and create take-home products including: individualized aromatic nasal inhaler, rest and relaxation lotion and all natural deodorant!
Lauren Andrews is an RN with a specialization in psychiatry, a Certified Aromatherapist,  Essential Oil Educator and Founder of AroMed Aromatherapy. Lauren’s calling is to support her clients and students emotional and physical well being with natural essential oil interventions, fostering a better quality of life. Lauren studied,and continues to study, with world renowned Aromatherapist/ Educator, Andrea Butje of Aromahead Institute.