Thank You!
We are so grateful to everyone who contributed to our Indiegogo campaign, donated perks, and helped us spread the word about our mission–you helped us raise just over $4800! These generous contributions will go toward our efforts in seeding a wellness revolution, near and far. Click here for more information on our campaign.
A special thank you to all of the fantastic herbalists from around the country who donated perks for our campaign: Dandelioness Herbals; Fellow Workers Farm Apothecary; Flowerfolk Herbal Apothecary; Galen’s Way; Guido Masé; Herbal Revolution; Larken Bunce; Mandala Botanicals; Urban Moonshine; Wake Robin Botanicals; and Woodland Essence.
And, a big thank you to all of the folks that contributed to our campaign: Jane Bancroft, Marsha Bancroft, Jasmine Blair, Wendy Blakeman, Elizabeth Brood, Nicholas Dentico, Skye Ellicock, Tim Elliot, Janis Fallon, Kate Galarza, Rosemary Gladstar, Leslie Gold, Daniel Gorey, Jeri Helen, Emily Ho, Jade Mountain Wellness, Debbie Larrimore, Carolyn Masé, Kathryn Ann McCurdy, Pam Montgomery, Brittany Nickerson, Ryan O’Connor Wolik, Denise Quick, Sheryl Rapee-Adams, Karen Rose, Jen PN, Sarah Shapiro, Pearl Sites, Sb Sowbel, Dale Spring, Katja Swift, Jennifer Thames, Dorothy Tod, Nina Torres, Ann Unangst, Elise Walsh, Marianne Zimberg, and several people that donated anonymously.