Garden Plants with Medicinal Interest

Posted April 30th, 2014 by VCIH

a workshop with Heather Irvine, Clinical Herbalist
Wednesday, May 7th 6-8 pm
$12/$10 for members
pre-registration required, contact VCIH at 224-7100 or

Many plants that local herbalists use can be grown quite easily in our region.  Learn practical ways of establishing medicinals such as angelica, black cohosh, calendula, california poppy, echinacea, elderberry, feverfew, hops, sage, solomon’s seal, and valerian. We will also talk about  the most successful ways of establishing a few different medicinal tree species and learn about overwintering a non-hardy medicinal beauty, passionflower.  Participants may opt to take home a cutting of passionflower vine that can live indoors through winter and flourish outdoors in the summer.

Heather Irvine is a VCIH graduate who joined the pilot year of the school after completing both programs at the Northeast School of Botanical Medicine.  She has her own small herbal product business, Giving Tree Botanicals, and enjoys gardening and working with Vermont’s largest gardening company.