Herbal Support for Long Term Drug Users
Wednesday, July 21, 6-8 pm ET
Online via Zoom
Fentanyl and opioid related overdoses continue to increase in alarming numbers throughout the country. Death by overdose is higher for BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, poor and/or houseless folks. Many of these, if not all, can be prevented. The stigmatization within medical, herbal and social work professions prevents people who use drugs (PWUD) the ability to receive quality health care and essential, life saving resources. Harm reduction organizations, needle exchange programs, street outreach workers and advocates in legislation have worked tirelessly to make Narcan, clean needles and sharps containers more accessible to PWUD for years. This work continues to save lives.
Herbalists are in a position to offer more integrative healing in the world of harm reduction. This workshop will provide personal and clinical experience on how to support PWUD with herbs who are not quite ready to kick it, attend AA, NA or go to treatment. We will discuss the socio-political issues around drug use and look at clinical research on herbal treatments for addiction. Sobriety is not always an option, especially for someone with a long history of trauma, CPSTD and/or unstable mental health. That being said, there are ways to support people through their own healing process, one day at a time. This class will also include training on how to use naloxone (Narcan) during overdose.
About Harlon:
I use he/him/his pronouns and am a trans/queer/weirdo herbalist currently occupying Tohono O’odam/Yoeme territories. I am what some would call a wounded healer, though my wounds have softened over the years. I have struggled with mental health, addiction and PTSD most of my life. Herbal medicine has taken me on a long journey of learning to heal myself and with that, heal others. My herbal practice is rooted in deep personal work, mindfulness, intuition and a great empathy for others who struggle in this world.
Read more about Harlon’s work at Bad Dog Herbs and Bodywork.
$40 member/$50 non-member/$25 BIPOC or low-income