Bee Medicine: Honey, Venom, Propolis, Wax, and Pollen
Thursday, April 21, 6:30-8 pm
Online via Zoom
Despite being from an animal, honeybee products are a mainstay in nearly every “herbal” apothecary – honey for tea, beeswax in salves, propolis throat sprays, and so on. But beyond these basics, honeybees are a complex organism with at least six potentially medicinal products to offer, and a history and survival, particularly in the Americas, tightly tied to our own. This materia medica style class will cover the six medicinal hive products (honey, wax, venom, propolis, pollen, and royal jelly), weaving in tidbits of honeybee biology, ecology, and stewardship along the way. Participants can expect to leave with a deeper appreciation for honeybees in their own right, as well as all that they offer herbalists, plant stewards, and medicine makers.
Hannah Rae Behrens is a clinical herbalist, teacher, and farmer in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, where she has lived nearly her entire life. She holds a degree in conservation biology from Middlebury College (2015) and a certificate in clinical herbalism from VCIH (2018). Hannah Rae’s approach to herbal care is deeply informed by her own experience with chronic illness, the science focus of her undergraduate studies, and her childhood in the wild woods and deep waters of her home. Weaving together scientific and traditional understandings, she seeks to provide care that centers self-compassion and the interplay between emotional, physical, and environmental wellbeing. More about Hannah Rae’s herbal work can be found at
$50 general/ $40 members/$25 BIPOC or low-income
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