Articles, presentations, sample lecture notes, and blogs written by VCIH faculty and founders.
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Creative Commons Attribution and License: This work by Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License. Based on a work at Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism,
We hope you find useful information here and encourage you to share what inspires and guides you. Plants give freely of themselves–support open access.
Betzy Bancroft RH(AHG)
Links to handouts from classes and public lectures (as .pdf files)
Demulcents: The Slimaceous Herbs
Larken Bunce, MS
Links to handouts from classes and public lectures, as well as a few published articles (as .pdf files)
Guido Masé RH(AHG)
Author of The Wild Medicine Solution, Healing Arts Press.
Links to handouts from classes and public lectures (as .pdf files)